The Pixel Protocol
The Pixel Protocol… how to pixel shade on Brows, Lips and Eyes… Every thing I have learned under the guidance of some of the most talented masters in the world… condensed into this online course… covering every application…
What is the Pixel Protocol...?
Pixels & Pointillism
Course Resources
Machine & Hand
Layers & Passes
Quick Paper and Pencil Exercise.
Exercise 1 PRESSURE 1RL 90°
Exercise 2 TECHNIQUE 1RL 90°
Exercise 3 TECHNIQUE + Needle change 3RL 90°
Exercise 4 Pixel.Feather (Feather HairStrokes) 90°
Exercise 5 Pixel.Fill 90°
Exercise 6. Pixel.Fan AirBrush Spray 90°
Exercise 7 Pixel.Fan AirBrush Line Spray 90°
Pixel.Fix 1RL. 90°
Pixel.Fill 3RL. 90°
Pixel.Fade. Front. 90°
Pointilism.Fade (DILUTE) 90°
Pixel.Flick. 1RL 90°
Pixel.Shadow.Fade 1RL 90°
Point.Fix Pixel.Fix 1RL. 90°
Pixel.Fill 1RL/ 3RL 90°